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Date-25.05.2020, Day-37,Class- VII, Sub- Maths, Lesson-4, Topic- Data Management
आज आंकड़ों का प्रबंधन के तहत जब प्रेक्षणों की संख्या अधिक हो उसका माध्य, माध्यक एवं बहुलक निकालने के लिए बताया गया।
Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson - 4 The Peacock Our National Bird Day- 37th
Day - 37th Date - 25.05.20 (Monday) Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson ...
Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson - 4 The Peacock Our National Bird
I discussed-Tick the correct option and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the lesson with the students
Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson - 4 The Peacock Our National Bird
We are continuing with the same lesson today The peacock- Our National Bird which was started, the previous day. The lesson reading and discussion has already been done in the previous class.
Date-26.05.2020, Day-38,Class- VII, Sub- Maths, Lesson-4, Topic- Data Management
आज आंकड़ों के प्रबंधन के अंतर्गत दंड आरेख के तहत चित्रालेख एवं दंड आलेख बनाने के लिए सिखाया गया।
Date -25-05-2020, Day -37, Class -7th
आज दिनांक 25 मार्च 2020 को कक्षा सात में एक नया पाठ शुरुआत किया गया। अध्याय 5 पदार्थ में रासायनिक परिवर्तन को विभिन्न क्रियाकलापों द्वारा बच्चों को समझाया गया।
Day- 14th Date- 28.04.20 Subject- English Class- 7th Lesson- 2  Krishna and Sudama
Revision of previous class and fill in the blanks
Day - 31st Date - 18.05.20 Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson - 4 The Peacock Our National Bird
Revision of previous class. Explanation of the lesson. Tell about our nation bird
Day - 30th Date- 16.05.20 Class - 7th Subject - English class-7th Lesson- 4 The Peacock - Our National Bird
Reading lesson, tell about some birds around us and about their sound. Birds chirps and we all like it. Explained the lesson (conversation of teacher with their students about peacock)
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