200 videos found
Day- 28th Date- 14.05.20 Class- 7th Subject- English Revision test
Tell question's answer of test related to lesson- 1,2 and 3
Day - 24th Date - 09.05.20 Class - 7th Subject - English Lesson - 3 Alladin Found the Wonderful Lamp Tick the right option and   true-false
Revision of questions- answer, true-false, tick the appropriate option of given statements.
Day -23rd Date- 08.05.20 Class- 7th Subject - English Lesson - 3 Aladdin Found the Wonderful Lamp
Word meanings of tough words and explained questions - answers. True false given in homework
Day - 20th Date - 05.05.20 Class - 7th Subject - English  Lesson - 3 Aladdin found the wondrful lamp
Story reading and explained in hindi with well pronounced and tell hindi meaning of tough words.
Day 18th Date- 02.05.20 Class- 7th Subject - English Lesson- 2 Krishna and Sudama
Words ends with 'ship' (scholar+ ship= scholarship) , use of had to, rearrange sentences in proper order.
Day 17th Date - 01.05.20 Class - 7th Subject - English Lesson- 2 Krishna and Sudama
Match the following words in column 'A' with their meaning in coloumn 'B'
Day- 16th Date - 30.04.20 Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson- 2 Krishna and Sudama Question-answer
B.2.2 Answer each of the following questions in not more than 50 words. Written and explained on white board
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