9th day of school on mobile session 11.05 am to 11.35 am Subject- English Class-7th Lesson- 2 Krishna and Sudama. I read the story and explained in hindi. While reading the story explained the meaning of tough words with pronunciation.
We are continuing with the same lesson today The peacock- Our National Bird which was started, the previous day. The lesson reading and discussion has already been done in the previous class.
आज दिनांक 25 मार्च 2020 को कक्षा सात में एक नया पाठ शुरुआत किया गया। अध्याय 5 पदार्थ में रासायनिक परिवर्तन को विभिन्न क्रियाकलापों द्वारा बच्चों को समझाया गया।