3 June Date 3-6-20,Day-48, अभ्यास को पूर्ण कराया गया। Leave a comment Science,Class VII 63 views You may also like Date-27-05-2020,Day-39th 5 years ago/ 38 views Science,Class VII दिनांक 27 मार्च 2020 को रसायनिक में परिवर्तन को समझाया गया। Date -27-05-2020,Day-39th ,Science 5 years ago/ 44 views Science,Class VII आज दिनांक 27 मार्च 2020 को रसायनिक में परिवर्तन समझाया गया। Class- 7th Subject- English Topic-Fun with AFFIXES Day – 38th 5 years ago/ 41 views English,Class VII Day - 38th Date - 26.05.20 (Tuesday) Class- 7th Subject- English ... Date-25.05.2020, Day-37,Class- VII, Sub- Maths, Lesson-4, Topic- Data Management 5 years ago/ 82 views Math,Class VII आज आंकड़ों का प्रबंधन के तहत जब प्रेक्षणों की संख्या अधिक हो उसका माध्य, माध्यक एवं बहुलक निकालने के लिए बताया गया। Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson – 4 The Peacock Our National Bird Day- 37th 5 years ago/ 110 views English,Class VII Day - 37th Date - 25.05.20 (Monday) Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson ... Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson – 4 The Peacock Our National Bird 5 years ago/ 259 views English,Class VII I discussed-Tick the correct option and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the lesson with the students Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson – 4 The Peacock Our National Bird 5 years ago/ 164 views English,Class VII We are continuing with the same lesson today The peacock- Our National Bird which was started, the previous day. The lesson reading and discussion has already been done in the previous class. Date-26.05.2020, Day-38,Class- VII, Sub- Maths, Lesson-4, Topic- Data Management 5 years ago/ 36 views Math,Class VII आज आंकड़ों के प्रबंधन के अंतर्गत दंड आरेख के तहत चित्रालेख एवं दंड आलेख बनाने के लिए सिखाया गया। 38th Day Date 26.05.20 Lesson 4 Topic kapde tarah tarah ke : Reshe tarah tarah ke 5 years ago/ 54 views Science,Class VIII 38th Day Date 26.05.20 Lesson 4 Topic kapde tarah tarah ke : Reshe tarah tarah ke. In this video, we have discussed questions from text book. 37th Day Date 25.05.20 Lesson 4 Topic kapde tarah tarah ke : Reshe tarah tarah ke 5 years ago/ 63 views Science,Class VIII 37th Day Date 25.05.20 Lesson 4 Topic kapde tarah tarah ke : Reshe tarah tarah ke. In this video, we have conducted quiz based on this chapter. «1…910111213…30»Page 11 of 30 Related