Class VIII English Day 14

Class – 8 Subject – English Chapter – 2 Topic – Sleep During my today’s class I have gone through the advantages and disadvantages of sleep. I taught them if we take enough sleep, we can pay attention better in school, we become creative and able to think of new ideas too. Even with the help of sleep we fight against sickness and stay healthy. We perform better in class, maintain good relationship with friends and families. We can learn as well as remember things with the help of good amount of sleep. We may take right decisions at right time. Vice versa, we if we don’t get enough sleep, we may have trouble playing games, have trouble listening to parents and teachers, and become less patient with friends, brother and sisters.


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Class - 8 English Day 24
Topic - The Raja,s Dream We have started our new chapter today named " The Raja,s Dream. It's a story about a kind Krishna Chandra and his courtier Gopal.
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23 rd day Date 08.05.20 Lesson 2 Topic : Lightning and Earthquake
 23 rd day Date 08.05.20 Lesson 2 Topic :  Lightning and Earthquake . In this video , you will learn about the effect of different intensity level of earthquake  and quiz questions related to this chapter.
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