29 May class 7 संस्कृत षष्ठ: पाठ: संख्याज्ञानम् दिनांक :- 27/05/2020 D-39 Author Gopal Jee Leave a comment कक्षा :- सप्तम , विषय :- संस्कृत षष्ठ: पाठ: संख्याज्ञानम् अध्यापक :- आचार्य गोपाल जी आज की कक्षा की शुरुआत सूक्ति से होगी । उसके बाद पिछली कक्षा का अवलोकन किया जाएगा उसके बाद षष्ठ: पाठ: संख्याज्ञानम् को पढ़ाया जाएगा तथा उसका अर्थ समझाया जाएगा। गृह कार्य :- पाठ का हिंदी अर्थ लिखना है शब्दार्थ को याद करना है Sanskrit,Class VII 47 views You may also like Day 13th Date- 27.04.20(Monday) Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson- 2 Krishna ans Sudama 5 years ago/ 37 views English,Class VII Date-23.05.2020, Day-36,Class- VII, Sub- Maths, Lesson-4, Topic- Data Management 5 years ago/ 45 views Math,Class VII आज आंकड़ों के प्रबंधन के तहत प्रतिनिधि मान माधिका एवं बहुलक के बारे में बताया गया। Date-13.04.2020(Day-1), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 60 views Math,Class VII Today taught basic idea of Integers. Date-14.04.2020(Day-2), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 62 views Math,Class VII Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Date-15.04.2020(Day-3), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 49 views Math,Class VII Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Date-16.04.2020(Day-4), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 59 views Math,Class VII Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Date-17.04.2020(Day-5), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 56 views Math,Class VII Today taught Multiplication of Integers. Date-18.04.2020(D-6) Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 44 views Math,Class VII Today taught multiplication of Negative Integers. Date-20.04.2020(D-7) Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 40 views Math,Class VII Today taught Properties of Multiplication of Integers. Date-21.04.2020, Day-8 Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 56 views Math,Class VII Today taught Properties of Division Operator. «1…1617181920…30»Page 18 of 30 Related