1 June class 7 संस्कृत व्याकरण दिनांक 18/ 4/ 2020 D 6 Author Gopal Jee Leave a comment कक्षा :- सप्तम् , विषय:- संस्कृत व्याकरण, अध्यापक:- आचार्य गोपाल जी आज संस्कृत व्याकरण में वर्ण के भेद स्वर वर्ण व्यंजन वर्ण के बारे में विस्तार से अध्ययन करेंगे साथ साथ कुछ वर्णों के संयोग की विधि का अध्ययन करेंगे Sanskrit,Class VII 78 views You may also like Day 13th Date- 27.04.20(Monday) Class- 7th Subject- English Lesson- 2 Krishna ans Sudama 5 years ago/ 55 views English,Class VII Date-23.05.2020, Day-36,Class- VII, Sub- Maths, Lesson-4, Topic- Data Management 5 years ago/ 59 views Math,Class VII आज आंकड़ों के प्रबंधन के तहत प्रतिनिधि मान माधिका एवं बहुलक के बारे में बताया गया। Date-13.04.2020(Day-1), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 76 views Math,Class VII Today taught basic idea of Integers. Date-14.04.2020(Day-2), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 80 views Math,Class VII Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Date-15.04.2020(Day-3), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 68 views Math,Class VII Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Date-16.04.2020(Day-4), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 70 views Math,Class VII Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Integers. Date-17.04.2020(Day-5), Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 74 views Math,Class VII Today taught Multiplication of Integers. Date-18.04.2020(D-6) Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 61 views Math,Class VII Today taught multiplication of Negative Integers. Date-20.04.2020(D-7) Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 58 views Math,Class VII Today taught Properties of Multiplication of Integers. Date-21.04.2020, Day-8 Class-7, Sub-Maths, Chapter-1, Understanding of integers 5 years ago/ 70 views Math,Class VII Today taught Properties of Division Operator. «1…1617181920…30»Page 18 of 30 Related