All Categories 255 videos found Date-15-5-2020, Day-29, class-6, subject-sst, lesson-kya, kab, kahan aur kaise? Topic-prachinAitihasik Sthal aur sanyukt avan ekal pariwar men antar. 5 years ago/ 60 views Class VI,SST आज दिनांक 15 -5 -2020 को वर्ग छठी के सामाजिक अध्ययन की कक्षा में पाठ की पुनरावृति की गई एवं Whole number 02-058-2020 D 18 5 years ago/ 56 views Class VI,Math Whole number 02-058-2020 D 18 Today I taught Distributive property of whole number through TLM,multiplicative identity and additive identity Whole number 04-05-2020 D 19 5 years ago/ 60 views Class VI,Math Whole number 04-05-2020 D 19 Today I taught Distributive property of whole number, which figure made by whole number I explained and assigned homework Whole number 05-05-2020 D 20 5 years ago/ 36 views Class VI,Math Whole number 05-05-2020 D 20 Today I taught how we divide any whole number by zero,math quiz organized and also assigned homework Whole number 06-05-2020 D 21 5 years ago/ 25 views Class VI,Math division rules of whole number, math quiz, explained exercise 2.3 and also explained shortcut tricks on the whole number and also assigned homework Whole number 07-05-2020 D 22 5 years ago/ 38 views Class VI,Math Topic whole number D 22 Today I taught shortcut tricks in calculation of whole number and assigned homework. Sankhyon ka khel 08-05-2020 D 23 5 years ago/ 37 views Class VI,Math Topic Sankhyon ka khel. Today I taught factor by three different ways through activity and assigned homework to our student Sankhyon ka khel 11-05-2020 D25 5 years ago/ 48 views Class VI,Math Today I taught prime number,twins prime,how to find out prime numbers Day-29th Class-6 Subject-Science Chapter- 6( पदार्थ में परिवर्तन) Topic- प्रश्नोत्तर 5 years ago/ 96 views Class VI,Science दिनांक 15.05.2020 स्कूल ऑन मोबाइल के 29 वें दिन वर्ग- 6, विषय- विज्ञान, अध्याय- 6 (पदार्थ में परिवर्तन) के अंतर्गत सभी अभ्यास प्रश्न पर विस्तृत चर्चा हुई। Day-23rd Class-6 Subject-Science Chapter- 4( विभिन्न प्रकार के पदार्थ) 5 years ago/ 170 views Class VI,Science वर्ग -6,विषय- विज्ञान, अध्याय- 4 (विभिन्न प्रकार के पदार्थ) के अंतर्गत सभी प्रश्न उत्तरों को कक्षा के दौरान ही हल किया गया। «1…1920212223…26»Page 21 of 26 Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...