28 July Quiz on April Month assessment of English for Class VII Author Umakant Kumar 2 comments मूल्यांकन हस्तक आधारित अप्रैल माह के Monthly assessment हेतु वर्ग 7 के English विषय सम्बन्धी क्विज में आपका स्वागत है। कुल 10 प्रश्नों को शामिल किया गया है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के सही उत्तर के लिए 1 अंक निर्धारित है। Name 1. Who is 'I' in the poem 'Sympathy'? The poet The proud man The poor man None None 2. Who wrote the poem 'Sympathy'? John Keats William Wordsworth Shakespeare Charles Mackay None 3. What did the poor man give the poet to eat? Cake Bread Ice-cream Chapati None 4. Who was in sorrow? The proud man The poet The poor man None None 5. What did the proud man give to the poet? Gold Silver Bread Cake None 6. The proud man's look were..... Hot Warm Cold None None 7. Who returned money to the proud man? The poor man The poet The boy None None 8. Who bound the head of the poet in the hour of sorrow? The proud man The poor man The distressed man None None 9. Which is greater? Gold Silver Diamond Sympathy None 10. Who did not tell a kind word to the speaker? The poet The proud man The poor man None None 1 out of 10 Time's upTime is Up! Related 2 comments Pooja Shah July 28, 2020 / Reply Test completed YATI JHA July 28, 2020 / Reply Thanku mamji Leave a ReplyCancel reply
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Thanku mamji