24 July Monthly Assessment for April of English for class VI Author Kavita Kumari Leave a comment मूल्यांकन हस्तक आधारित अप्रैल माह के Monthly assessment हेतु वर्ग 6 के English विषय सम्बन्धी क्विज में आपका स्वागत है। कुल 20 प्रश्नों को शामिल किया गया है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के सही उत्तर के लिए 1 अंक निर्धारित है। Name 1. Who has written the poem" my mother " ? Sarojini naidu Annytalor Janet's wat ford A santhal folk tale None 2. What is the rhyming word of fell ? Head Hell Cry Die None 3. What is the synonyms of pretty ? Old Ugly Weak Beautiful None 4. What is the english translation of मैं किताब पढ़ता हूँ । I am reading the book I read the book I will read the book I read in book None 5. Grand father is my mother's ______ Brother Brother -in- law Cousin Father -in- law None 6. What will you do when your mother is old ? Taking care of her Send her out Don't give her proper meal Should not help her None 7. Ram and shyam _________ brother Is Were Am Are None 8. What is the opposite of cry ? Feeble Laugh Smile Weeping None 9. What is the one word for a device to swing the baby ? Cradle Bed Ballon Chair None 10. Who cares for infants ? Brother Father Maid Mother None 11. What is the english translation of वह विद्यालय जाता हैं । He goes to school . He is going to school. He had gone to school. He will go to school. None 12. What is the meaning of infants ? Illness Old man Young baby Strong None 13. I ________ a good boy Was Am Is Are None 14. Whenever we are in trouble or pain the word ___________ comes naturally to us Papa Oh god Cry Maa None 15. My mother was so very _______ to me Kind Rude Cruel Thankful None 16. Translation of this in hindi " I like this song ". मुझे यह गाना पसंद है। हमको यह गाना पसंद है। मैंने यह गाना गाया है। मुझे गाना आता है। None 17. What is the rhyming word of be ? Shall Low Her Me None 18. What is the opposite of feeble ? Illness Weak Strong Sickness None 19. Which is the correct spelling ? Protektion Protecsion Portection Protection None 20. My uncle is my mother's ________. Brother - in - law Cousin Uncle Father None 1 out of 20 Time's upTime is Up! Related Leave a ReplyCancel reply